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Text File  |  1994-03-27  |  9KB  |  194 lines

  1.                                               Andrew Haveland-Robinson
  2.                                               Haveland-Robinson Associates
  3.                                               South Tottenham
  4.                                               London  N15 5EP
  5.                                               England
  7.                                               Tel. +44-81-8001708
  8.                                                    +44-81-8024502
  9.                                                    +44-621-88756
  10.                                               Email: andy@osea.demon.co.uk
  11.                                               ahaveland@cix.compulink.co.uk
  12.                                               28 March 1994
  14. This archive contains 91 ASCII Times-Roman characters in Persistence of
  15. Vision 2 format, together with sample PoV files illustrating how they can
  16. be used.
  18. Each character has to be placed manually as they are separate entities,
  19. though help is given in the form of a font metrics file: "tms_rom.mtr".
  20. This contains each character extents, not proper kerning info - the
  21. centre of the character in terms of X can be easily derived from the
  22. defined min max and width.  The naming convention should be apparent.
  24. For example, for "tms_au.inc" tms is the family identifier,
  25. a is the letter "a" and u is for upper case.  See contents.txt for a
  26. complete list.
  28. It is important that a consistent protocol for describing 3d fonts is
  29. established to make handling easier and predictable, which is why I
  30. opted for this scheme:
  32. The origin is measured from the front bottom left corner of the
  33. character baseline. Actual character dimensions are contained in the
  34. font files themselves and in the metrics include file, tms_rom.mtr
  36. They are 1 unit deep, and 1 unit high from baseline to the leading
  37. line above the Cap height. Descenders appear below Z=0.  This is not
  38. indicative of the actual size of the characters, as different fonts
  39. with the same point size often have wildly different character sizes.
  41. It's a start, and may not be ideal, as long as some standards are adhered
  42. to!
  44. The coordinate system used is:
  45.    X = left to right
  46.    Y = front to back
  47.    Z = bottom to top
  49. Comments welcome.  Mail me and let me know what you produce.
  51. Enjoy...
  53. Andy, March 28, 1994
  56. Other fonts available, allow 2 weeks to create a font on request.
  57. Cost: $49 or equivalent.
  59. Fonts available:
  60. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  61. Algerian                             Helvetica-Narrow,BOLDITALIC
  62. Ariston,BOLDITALIC                   Helvetica-Narrow,ITALIC
  63. Arnold Boecklin                      HelveticaInserat-Roman,BOLD
  64. Arsis                                Heritage
  65. AvantGarde                           Heritage ExtraBold
  66. AvantGarde,BOLD                      Heritage,BOLD
  67. AvantGarde,BOLDITALIC                Hobo
  68. AvantGarde,ITALIC                    Ironwood
  69. Balloon,ITALIC                       Jillian Gothic,ITALIC
  70. Baskerville                          Juniper
  71. Baskerville Handcut                  Kauflinn,ITALIC
  72. Baskerville Handcut,BOLD             Kaufmann
  73. Baskerville Handcut,BOLDITALIC       KeyCaps
  74. Baskerville Handcut,ITALIC           Korinna
  75. Bauhaus                              Korinna,BOLD
  76. Bauhaus-Heavy,BOLD                   Korinna,BOLDITALIC
  77. Bauhaus-Light                        Korinna,ITALIC
  78. Bernhard Antique                     Latin Wide
  79. Birch                                Liberty
  80. Blackoak                             Linoscript
  81. Blippo Black                         Linotext
  82. Bodoni-DTC                           Lithos Light,BOLD
  83. Bodoni-DTC,BOLD                      Lithos Regular
  84. Bodoni-DTC,BOLDITALIC                Louisville
  85. Bodoni-DTC,ITALIC                    Louisville,BOLD
  86. BodoniExtraBold                      M Plantin
  87. BodoniHeavy                          M Plantin,BOLD
  88. BodoniOpen                           M Plantin,BOLDITALIC
  89. Bookman                              M Plantin,ITALIC
  90. Bookman,BOLD                         Madrone
  91. Bookman,BOLDITALIC                   Mariage
  92. Bookman,ITALIC                       Marriage
  93. Britannic Medium                     Mesquite
  94. Britannic Medium,BOLD                Mistral
  95. Broadway                             Mural Script
  96. Brush Script                         Mystical
  97. Caesar Open                          NewBaskerville
  98. Caligula                             NewCenturySchlbk
  99. Carta                                NewCenturySchlbk,BOLD
  100. Caslon 3                             NewCenturySchlbk,BOLDITALIC
  101. Caslon 3,ITALIC                      NewCenturySchlbk,ITALIC
  102. Caslon 540                           News Serif
  103. Caslon 540,ITALIC                    News Serif,BOLD
  104. CaslonOpenFace                       News Serif,BOLDITALIC
  105. Century Schoolbook                   News Serif,ITALIC
  106. Century Schoolbook,BOLD              Nora Casual
  107. Century Schoolbook,BOLDITALIC        Old Towne No.536
  108. Century Schoolbook,ITALIC            OldBaskerville
  109. CenturyOldStyle                      Optima
  110. CenturySchoolbook                    Optimum
  111. Charlemagne                          Optimum,BOLD
  112. Charlemagne,BOLD                     Optimum,BOLDITALIC
  113. Clarendon                            Optimum,ITALIC
  114. Cooper Black                         Palatino
  115. Copperplate                          Palatino,BOLD
  116. Copperplate,BOLD                     Palatino,BOLDITALIC
  117. Courier                              Palatino,ITALIC
  118. Courier,BOLD                         Palton
  119. Courier,BOLDITALIC                   Palton,BOLD
  120. Courier,ITALIC                       Palton,BOLDITALIC
  121. DicotBold                            Palton,ITALIC
  122. DicotLight                           Park Avenue,ITALIC
  123. DicotMedium                          Pixel_Screen_Font
  124. Dijkstra                             Poplar
  125. Dom Casual                           PostAntiqua
  126. DomCasual                            PostCrypt
  127. Dynasty Black Cond.                  PresentScript
  128. Dynasty Black Ext.                   Sans
  129. Eurostile Extended                   Sans Black
  130. Eurostile Extended,BOLD              Sans Black Cond.
  131. Fette Engschrift                     Sans Black Cond.,ITALIC
  132. Fette Fraktur                        Sans Black,ITALIC
  133. Flamenco,ITALIC                      Sans Condensed
  134. Flare Gothic                         Sans Condensed,BOLD
  135. Flare Gothic,BOLD                    Sans Condensed,BOLDITALIC
  136. Flare Gothic,BOLDITALIC              Sans Condensed,ITALIC
  137. Flare Gothic,ITALIC                  Sans Inserat
  138. Flare Light Gothic                   Sans Light
  139. Flare Light Gothic,ITALIC            Sans Light Cond.
  140. Franklin Cond. Gothic                Sans Light Cond.,ITALIC
  141. Franklin Cond. Gothic,ITALIC         Sans Light,ITALIC
  142. Franklin Extra Cond. Gothic          Sans Narrow
  143. Franklin Gothic                      Sans Narrow,BOLD
  144. Franklin Gothic,ITALIC               Sans Narrow,BOLDITALIC
  145. French Vogue                         Sans Narrow,ITALIC
  146. French Vogue,BOLD                    Sans,BOLD
  147. FrizQuadrata                         Sans,BOLDITALIC
  148. FrizQuadrata,BOLD                    Sans,ITALIC
  149. Frugal Sans                          Serpentine
  150. Frugal Sans,BOLD                     Serpentine,ITALIC
  151. Frugal Sans,BOLDITALIC               Sonata
  152. Frugal Sans,ITALIC                   Souvenir
  153. Fusion                               Stencil
  154. Fusion,BOLD                          Stop
  155. Futura                               Symbol
  156. Futura-Condensed                     Tiffany
  157. Futura-CondensedExtraBold            Tiffany-Heavy,BOLD
  158. Futura-CondensedLight                Times
  159. Garamond                             Times,BOLD
  160. Garamond,BOLD                        Times,BOLDITALIC
  161. Garamond,BOLDITALIC                  Times,ITALIC
  162. Garamond,ITALIC                      TimesBlack
  163. GaramondAmerican                     TimesHeavy
  164. Garrison Cond. Sans                  TimesItal
  165. Garrison Cond. Sans,BOLD             TimesNewRomanPS
  166. Garrison ExtraBold Sans              TimesNewRomanPS,BOLD
  167. Garrison ExtraCond. Sans             TimesNewRomanPS,BOLDITALIC
  168. Garrison Kayo                        TimesNewRomanPS,ITALIC
  169. Garrison Light Sans                  TimesRoman
  170. Garrison Light Sans,BOLD             Trajan
  171. Garrison Light Sans,BOLDITALIC       Uncial
  172. Garrison Light Sans,ITALIC           Unique
  173. GillSans                             Unique Extended
  174. GillSans,BOLD                        Unique Extended,BOLD
  175. GillSans,BOLDITALIC                  Unique Light
  176. GillSans,ITALIC                      Unique Light,BOLD
  177. Goudy Handtooled                     Unique Light,BOLDITALIC
  178. Goudy Old Style                      Unique Light,ITALIC
  179. Goudy Old Style,ITALIC               Unique,BOLD
  180. GowdieExtra                          Unique,BOLDITALIC
  181. GowdieItalian                        Unique,ITALIC
  182. GowdieOld                            Univers-Black
  183. GraphicLight                         Univers-Light
  184. Helvetica                            UniversityRoman
  185. Helvetica,BOLD                       VAG Round
  186. Helvetica,BOLDITALIC                 Village Square
  187. Helvetica,ITALIC                     Vivante-DTC,ITALIC
  188. Helvetica-Black,BOLD                 Windsor
  189. Helvetica-Condensed                  Windsor Condensed
  190. Helvetica-Condensed-Black,BOLD       Windsor Elongated
  191. Helvetica-Condensed-Light            Windsor,BOLD
  192. Helvetica-Narrow                     ZapfChancery,ITALIC
  193. Helvetica-Narrow,BOLD                ZapfDingbats